After Action
Posted on Mon May 20th, 2024 @ 9:29pm by Captain Marc Kidd & Lieutenant Commander Faith Benson & Lieutenant Sorine Kaida & Lieutenant Siadra Molaur & Ensign Nala Rider & Cassandra Frost & Lieutenant Commander Viessa Kenobi
Edited on on Mon May 20th, 2024 @ 9:43pm
0 words; about a 1 minute read
The Sins of History
Location: Observation Lounge - Deck 3 - USS Artemis
Timeline: MD007 1400 hrs
The away team had arrived back aboard the ship safely. Well the most of them did. Lieutenant Griffin and Commander Rice had to be placed into stasis while Dr Kenobi worked her magic. As for the rest of the team Marc summoned them to the Observation Lounge for debriefing. He hoped that they would have gotten something on Vamcet, because as of now the mission was dead in the water. They had no leads to go on.
Siadra arrived still dressed in her outfit she wore on the away mission. She only took time to grab a mug of tea and went to sit down. There was a saddened but determined look in her eyes. "Hello Captain." having a catch in her voice and the shimmering of tears in her eyes not shed.
Currently the voices of the others were silent especialy Keema who was mourning the injuries that Abernathy had sustained. Siadra did her best to keep her emotions in check. She will let the tears fall later. Right now she was here and it was time to let Marc know what happened down there.
Nala made sure the younglings were cared for, then headed up to the meeting. Nala nodded to all present, not wanting to speak as her heart was aching too much.
Cassie walked in with a sour look on her face. She didn’t like it when her target got away from her, but at least this time she didn’t have to chase after them by herself. Finding a chair to sit in, Cassie just flopped down and waited for this ‘debriefing’ to begin.
Kaida had trouble sitting down. She was too worried about Andy to be sociable. Instead she sat at the edge of her chair and gripped her hands tightly together.
Siadra reached out and placed a hand upon Kaida's hand, for she had also seen Andy's injuries, giving a comforting squeeze. Looking towards Kidd, then to those there. "I am quite glad to be back on the ship."
Kaida looked down at the hand on hers and nodded. It was true, she was happy to be back, she just wished it was under better circumstances.
Siadra looked towards the door seeing if Faith would arrive soon, this was due to something she wished to reveal. She removed her hand from Kaida's and took a sip of her tea.
Faith hadn't bothered to change between getting back and heading up to the Observation Lounge. She'd not even bothered to pull her hair up into a pony tail at the moment. Stepping in and looking to everyone there.
Siadra looked towards Faith, then quietly patted the seat next to her on the other side. She was feeling more settled with Faith there as well. Siadra looked towards Captain Kidd, and gave a smile.
Viessa rushed in at the end of what she thought was the meeting with her apologies all set up for being late. However, she must have lost track of the time and was actually just last in the door for the meeting before it started. "I'm sorry." she said with a tired resignation based on what she'd just been doing. "I've been busy." she said simply and quickly found a seat.
Once everyone had arrived Marc took a seat at the head of the table. "Right let me start with Ms Frost. Walk me through what happened on Freecloud." Kidd hoped that this debriefing would reveal a clue, something that they could jump on and begin the pursuit again. He had already reported the loss of one of his investigation officers, and the XO to Admiral Ford. Replacements were being worked on.
"well after we arrived on the surface, I figured the local bar would be a good place to start our investigation. It seemed like the best place to start" Cassie said, just laying it out for them, "as most of the away team aren't used to finding their way through these kinds of situations, I told them to stick together, which in hindsight may not have been the best option. It did kinda make us stick out. After we entered the bar, I directed the majority of the away team to find a table while myself and Lieutenant Griffen went to talk with the bar tender in hopes of finding a lead on our target."
After a short pause, Cassie continued, "I didn't notice the Cardassian guard sitting not far from us. He raised the alarm and all hell broke loose. a standard bar brawl, but the Cardassians fired upon some of the civilians present so we had to stop them"
"Right so itchy Cardassians, that tracks true. Did we get any leads on where Vamcet is?" Kidd was at a loss at the moment. It seemed that the trail had run cold, and he was not about to lose their target on their first case.
Siadra spoke up, "I had followed after someone who seemed like a person of interest, hoping to get some information. They seemed to have taken interest in the proceedings where we were at. I struck up a conversation and I am of solid belief that the person I was speaking to was either related to Vamcet or close to him, possibly his son. I gathered some information, made my way back to where the others were at. Long story short, a viridium tracker had been placed upon the person."
Marc had been rubbing his temples with the stress of the situation. However, Siadra's report seemed to have brightened his mood. He smiled, "Great work Lieutenant! If that is Vamcet's son then he may lead us right to the Gul. Make sure you give the transponder code to Lieutenant Blake. He can tie it into the navigational array and we can see where he went."
"That must have been while I ran off and was chasing down two of the Cardassians." Which speaking of, Faith was just now realizing that her shoulder was out of it's socket. Right when she tried to point at Siadra. She wasn't that good at hiding it either, "We can keep track of him instead of all this fighting and sneaking around."
"Do we know what kind of weapon was used that hit Commander Abernathy and Lieutenant Griffin?" Viessa asked as she fixed her hair back into a respectable look. "It wasn't one I am familiar with and the damage..." she trailed off as she composed herself. "the damage it has caused is quite extensive. So much so I can't heal it by conventional means." she sighed and looked at Faith. "And you need to go to sickbay after this to get yourself treated."
Several blinks from Siadra from Faith's statement, then she answered Captain Kidd. "I will make certain to do so, right after this briefing." Viessa's words also struck Siadra to the core, " I do have a question, would it be possible for Commander Rice and Lieutenant Griffin be sent to Poseidon Station? Not that I am saying they are not receiving good care here. Just bigger facility?"
"They are in medically induced statis at the moment." Viessa replied to Siadra. "I've already contacted a facility nearby that will be able to take them and hopefully heal them in a way I can't on a ship with limited means." she added with a tiredness in her voice that spoke more than her actual words. "They will be transferred to a shuttle and taken to Empok Nor before boarding a medical vessel to take them on the final leg of their trip."
"Thank you, Viessa." Siadra said quietly, feeling vastly relieved that the two will be well taken care of. She heard an inner sob, coming from Keema. they are not dead, they will be alright. For now Keema go take a nap. she inwardly told the older woman. Keema went quiet after that.
Nala clenched her hands in her lap, forcing herself not to let her emotions show. She was gonna stay in this meeting until it was over.
"Alright so all is not entirely lost. Have our ballistics specialist take a look at the Commander and Lieutenant's uniforms. We may be able to learn the type of weapon used based upon the uniform burns." Kidd suggested in response to Viessa's question. He felt the loss within himself as well, however, there was not much to do for it at the moment. "We have a lead to chase down. Is there any other information from Freecloud?"
"That is all that I was able to come up with, Sir." Siadra replied. "I don't know if the others were able to find out anything more while I was gone." the trill scientist looking at Captain Kidd.
Final tags from Benson, Kaida, Rider, Frost, Kenobi
Marc exhaled sharply though his nose. He thought that something should be said before he dismissed the meeting. "Commander Rice, and Lieutenant Griffin will be missed by all. However, we have a job a to do and unfortunately we don't have the luxury to dwell on absent friends at the moment. That said, let us honor them both by bringing Gul Vamcet to justice. Dismissed..."
Nala rose quietly, nodded to all present, and walked to her quarters, where she promptly fell on the bed and began to sob uncontrollably. A little while later, Tiki and Plag came back to her quarters, saw her crying, and simply climbed up onto the bed on either side of her, and snuggled close. Nala mumbled a soft 'Thank you', before drifting off to sleep.
Viessa said nothing and rose from her seat, the draw back to her patients a pull of severe gravimetric proportions.
A Joint Post by
Captain Marc Kidd
Commanding Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit
Ensign Nala Rider
Facial Reconstruction Specialist, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit
Lieutenant Commander Viessa Kenobi
Chief Medical Officer/Medical Examiner, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit
Lieutenant Commander Faith Benson
Chief Security & Tactical Officer, Second Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit
Lieutenant Sorine Kaida
Criminal Investigations Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit
Lieutenant Siadra Molaur
Chief Forensic Science Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit
Cassandra Frost
Criminal Apprehension Officer/Commanding Officer Emergency Services Unit, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit