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Coming Aboard

Posted on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 6:35pm by Captain Marc Kidd & Commander Mariko Tao & Lieutenant Commander Faith Benson & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
Edited on on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 6:59pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 2 - The Sins of History
Location: Ready Room - Deck 3 - USS Artemis
Timeline: MD009 1400 hrs

In a flash of light Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn; she was dressed in her dress uniform which while not strictly necessary upon reporting to a new assignment she preferred to make her best impression and changing took only a few moments of time. Under the fabric of her uniform pants the outline of medical braces could be seen at her knees though she carried herself tall and proud despite needing their support. In her hand she carried a slightly larger than average Engineer's Toolkit that in addition to her duty issued tools held a row of slots for the braces she kept on hand to enable her to do her work.

She took a look around the transporter room, finding it to be near identical to most every Starfleet Vessel and smiled at the transporter crewman. "Thanks for getting me aboard in one piece; these aren't my most preferred way of travel..." she glanced down at herself, adjusting the lines of her Uniform and then reaching up to ensure that her hair was still pulled into the tight bun that she usually kept. After that was done she stepped down off the platform and turned to leave the room, pausing only briefly to place a hand on the wall and get a feel for the Artemis' engine vibrations.

Marc sat in the Ready Room behind his desk. He ran his hand through his head. It seemed that yesterday he had heard that the fleet had a need for Lieutenant Nash and reassigned her. Now, the Artemis was once again without an Engineer, and on a mission no less. "The Starfleet Corps of Engineers promises that they will have another Chief Engineer out to us as soon as possible. For the time being I believe we will have to use any member of the Engineering team to keep things together. This is just the worst time for them to reassign our engineer."

Faith's violet eyes just looked over Marc a moment, shaking her head, "Why's it a worst time?" Getting comfortable in the chair across from him. Crossing her legs and pulling them up under her. "They kind of are already here after all or.....did I forget to mention that." Squeezing one eye closed for a second.

"You didn't forget to mention." Mariko corrected Faith. "I just hadn't informed the captain yet of our new arrival." she said simply. "Command has assigned a Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn to our ship and I've been made aware to has only just came on board. I have no doubt she will be making her way to the bridge now." she said quite professionally, as was how Mariko spoke.

"Right then. We are going to have to get her up to speed as soon as possible. If all goes well we are going to have Vamcet aboard in a day or two. I do hope she sticks around the revolving door in Engineering has gotten quite annoying." Marc replied. He was about to segue into a command meeting about Vamcet when the door chime interrupted him.

Sarah stepped away from the wall and into the hallway; heading for the turbolift and stepped inside it somewhat anxiously. Every assignment is a new beast to adapt to; you can do this girl. She gave herself a soft sigh and then prepped herself to meet her new command. "Bridge, Deck 3" she instructed the turbolift and its doors closed with a whisper then the lift took flight; gliding through the Artemis' central core. =/\=Bridge; please notify the Captain that the USS Vengeance has successfully delivered his new Chief Engineer and I am on my way there.=/\=

Her only answer came in a curt =/\=Affirmative.=/\= and she took a deep breath as she waited for the turbolift to reach its destination; a trip that she knew all to well was entirely too short the first time.

Sarah stepped off the lift and onto the bridge, giving a low whistle to herself as she looked around. She took only a moment to admire though; a mental countdown ticking down in her head. Promptness was something she tried to achieve whenever possible and as such she took a couple of steps onto the main body of the bridge, glancing around to check for the Captain or his command team and then, not seeing them, headed to the door of the Ready Room. She pressed the button for the chime and fell into an easy modified parade rest.

"This must be her now." Marc said to his XO and 2XO before addressing the door. "Come on in the water's fine." He smiled seemingly at his own joke.

Faith gave a little stretch just about the time that Lieutenant Graesyn came in, leaning back from the replicator for a moment. Reaching for her plate, a Deanwich, still doesn't know who actually made it but there it is. All in it's meaty crisp glory. Taking a big bite out of it before looking to Sarah. "Oh hey. Want some?"

Sarah smiled briefly at the offer and raised her brow. "Perhaps a raincheck, Lieutenant Commander" she said politely. It was thoroughly surprising to her that the first thing done was to offer her food, something she had never had done when reporting in. She looked to the other two individuals in the room, taking note of their ranks and nodded to herself; though the action was very visible to all.

"You're missing out then," motions up with the now half eaten Deanwich. "Or there's the other half...for now." Faith winked.

Sarah chuckled slightly at the gesture and looked over the Deanwich with an appraising eye. “I wouldn’t want to get crumbs on my Dress Blues; I could stand for a cup of tea though… perhaps lemon-ginger?” As the tea was replicated she turned to the Captain and snapped a quick salute. “Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn reporting for assignment as Chief of Engineering.”

Mariko rolled her eyes as Faith and internally shook her head. She believed the captain should have been the first to speak and welcome the new officer but maybe that type of decorum on this ship was a little loose. Maybe she was too stiff but she believed in a certain type of order.

As Graesyn reported in finally after a conversation over a sandwich and now held a cup of tea Mariko could do nothing but raise an eyebrow at the exchange and wait for Captain Kidd to greet the officer before she spoke.

"Welcome aboard Lieutenant. No need to salute on this ship, we save that for formal functions. Glad to see you made it and the welcoming committee as it were was here to greet you. Please have a seat and tell me why you wanted this assignment. A ship galivanting the galaxy and rounding up criminals is not the most glamorous assignment for an Engineer." Marc sipped his coffee as he gave the newcomer a once over.

Faith motioned with a pinky finger, since her mouth was full. Took a second, "Not suppose to salute anyway without a cover on, and you're not suppose to wear a cover indoors." Giving a grin.

Sarah slid into a seat, popping one braced leg out further than the other with a small grimace as the ship was larger than she had expected and despite the additional support it was throwing a small fit. She smiled at Faith’s comment and nodded before turning to look at Marc. “Regardless of the lack of glamour I took the assignment because I knew a ship with such an important job would need a skilled and qualified Engineer to keep it able to do its job; with your permission I would like to bring aboard an Engineer that I’ve worked with on prior postings who has just had his current assignment finish its mission and is looking for a change of pace.” She opened her Engineering kit and pulled a PaDD out, extending it toward the trio. “I took the liberty of preparing his Dossier for you to review.”

Marc took the PADD which also contained the Lieutenant's official transfer orders. He took the moment to read over both files. With all the hub bub he did not have time to even read her file. The more he read the more he was impressed with all that she had done and all that she had overcome. The Aenar Ensign Th'ashianet was no slouch either. "If the two of you work well together I do not see why the Ensign cannot be officially transferred to the Artemis. We are certainly short staffed at the moment in Engineering. Permission granted Lieutenant. Make sure the Ensign checks in with the ship's quartermaster. As we were not expecting him so he will need quarters assigned. I will give you the forewarning that most of what you will be doing is keeping this ship running. The prison deck has a separate power supply which has the priority in an emergency. If the prison loses power, the cells lose power and I believe you can imagine what would happen then."

Sarah listened attentively, making mental notes of the important parts. “Understood, Captain. I will ensure that the power supply to the brig is well handled and properly insulated when we perform other tasks. There is one final thing that I’d like to run by you and it’s a touch of a big ask on the trust department. Also on that PaDD you will find files pertaining to a pet project of mine that I believe could benefit the ship in the long run. It’s a bit of a long read however so I don’t expect a quick answer. Look under the files labeled LOKI, all caps and spelled like the Norse God.” She wore a small grin; one born of confidence in the work that she knew she had put into the project as well as the fact that she was very eager to get to work on her new duties.

The disdain that Marc had for artificial intelligence was well hidden. "Myself and the rest of the command team will look it over. However, I will warn you that if approved this program will be under significant scrutiny and will have limited access. In fact there should be only three people on this ship who can activate it, You, Commander Tao and myself. That is of course if approved. Commander Tao, Commander Benson do you have anything for the Lieutenant?"

Mariko's face remained neutral. She'd have been one hell of a professional poker player if she played the game but it was simply her upbringing, the way her culture had been ingrained on her life. Never let anyone see what cards they may hold, always look for the upper hand, be smart with your questions. This wasn't quite high stakes but those teachings were always with her. The AI gave her some pause for thought but the captain had already expressed his concerns and her doing the same in this instance would provide nothing useful. She would speak to the captain privately about it as she was sure he'd want her input.

Placing a PaDD on the desk she then looked at Lieutenant Graesyn. "This is information on your assigned quarters, crew profiles of your staff and some of the improvements that could be made in engineering as soon as is practicable." she moved it closer to Sarah. "If you need anything my door is open and I would urge you to make use of me if need be." she felt like adding in an XO capacity as her engineering knowledge was lacking in comparison.

“Understood, Commander.” Sarah picked up the PaDD and gave it a cursory glance but decided to inspect the information once she had time to get slightly settled. “If it’s workable I would like to take the next couple of hours to go through the information and then I’ll report to Engineering. And before I forget thank you for the opportunity.”

"That would be fine, at the moment there are no pressing engineering matters. You are very welcome Lieutenant. If there is nothing else you are dismissed." Marc rather liked this new engineer and found himself hoping that she stuck around a lot longer than her predecessors.

Faith came out of whatever fog her mind was in, things running through her head, those of which no one probably needed to know about. Holding up a finger, "Oh, Lieutenant, Captain. I had an idea about the prison cells and I believe our new Chief here could help with it."

Marc raised an eyebrow. He had supervised the tests of the prison deck himself and thought that everything ran according to specs. However, he welcomed suggestions from his crew. "Alright Lieutenant what do you have?"

"Well, given that about the power usage, we could install slider doors that will autmomatically come down if the grid goes down. We could as well have them electrified from an uniterruptable power source, to make sure it works right."

Sarah tilted her head listening and ran through some mental scenarios and she nodded. “I could repurpose a spare impulse reactor from repair supplies for a shuttle craft perhaps….”

Marc could not believe what he had just heard. "Lieutenant Graesyn that will not be necessary. Commander Benson there will be no need for electric doors as that would be against the Federation's treatment of prisoners. It falls under the category of cruel and unusual punishment. If there is a loss of power on the prison deck there are already systems in place to keep the prisoners on that deck. We also have an Emergency Services Unit whose job it would be to re secure the inmates. That said if the need arises for something like this we will reopen the discussion. Sarah, why don't you go settle in and we can chat more about the ship's needs once you are settled." Marc was as forceful as he wanted to be while making sure the new Lieutenant felt at ease.

Mariko nodded in agreement with Marc. She rarely said anything when nothing needed to be said. Standing next to the captain with her hands behind her back she looked at Sarah and watched as she began to take her leave of the ready room.

Sarah turned on a heel with a nod to each of them and then left the ready room to go find her quarters and look over things privately.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
Chief Engineering Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit

Captain Marc Kidd
Commanding Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit

Lieutenant Faith Benson
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Artemis
Second Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit
Commander Mariko Tao
Executive Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit


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