A Light Lunch
Posted on Wed Dec 7th, 2022 @ 11:53am by Commander Abernathy Rice PhD & Lieutenant Commander Viessa Kenobi
Edited on on Thu Dec 8th, 2022 @ 3:39am
1,627 words; about a 8 minute read
The Hunt Begins
Location: Mess Hall, Deck 5
Timeline: MD001 - 1100 Hours
Viessa's meeting with her medical staff had went rather well. They seemed like a nice bunch, quite competent as well which made things all the easier for her and the department moving forward.
It was during the chat with them she realized she hadn't eaten breakfast. She kicked herself as she always griped about that to others, how nutrition was important, and breakfast sets you up for the day etc.
Viessa had made her way to the mess hall to see what she could rustle up, maybe catch someone to talk to.
Abe had already been to lunch but for some reason, he found the mess hall a rather nice place to unwind and focus. It was odd but it helped. He was nursing his coffee as he took note of the mess hall's new arrival, "Doctor Kenobi," he looked up from his book, as he stood. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting yet."
"Doctor Rice," he chuckled, "or Commander Rice, I guess either will do."
"It is nice to meet you too, Doctor." Nuala replied. "I'll call you Commander in company, I think that's the right protocol." She added thinking to herself and sitting down.
"Starfleet is one for protocol, me not so much," he replied, "as long as the ship runs smoothly and orders get followed I don't entirely care how we get from point A to point B. If you get my meaning." He smiled for a bit before realizing he hadn't properly greeted her, "welcome to the Artemis."
"Yes, they are, but it keeps things nice and clear." Viessa spoke. She liked rules and regulations, it gave things order. The idea of chaos made her itch and with no organized manner to things then people would be off doing as they liked. "Thank you for the welcome, there are not many people on board yet so it is nice see someone with a smile."
Abe chuckled, "sometimes it's nice to get settled in without all the extra people and demands on one's time," he gestured to the empty chair, "may I?"
"Of course! Sit, sit." Viessa felt a little mother hen-ish. "I do agree with you. My first week or so is so hectic, given everyone's need to get their medical out of the way. It's almost like they want to be told they are ill... most of them don't realize, or think, that I get their files sent to me and truthfully I don't need to see them all. I can just drop them a message when a year is up since their last one." She shook her head and sighed a little before looking back at Rice and flashing her big smile.
"It's bad form to say this I am sure, but that is why I went into my particular field," he grinned, "fewer people. Well people that are alive." He smirked, "the quiet of the lab, and the hum of the equipment at times that was the only company I needed." He looked at the red trim on his uniform, "but I suppose you can't stay trapped in a lab forever, or so they told me." He sipped his drink.
"Well no doubt now you deal with many more people than you'd expected to with the position of XO." Viessa nodded. "I like 'most' people. When you live as long as I do it is easy to forget that some species lifespan is over in a blink of an eye and the experience of knowing them has been missed."
"I don't envy you," Rice nodded, "I think when I get to a certain age, I would just like to fade away. There's something about getting too old that you are no longer useful." He paused realizing who he was talking too, "of course present company excluded."
Viessa laughed softly. "My company is the exception." she admitted. "We can live an endless life if we are careful enough. I've been been a medical Doctor for over 400 years and I think because it is always changing and there are new variants of diseases, even whole new ones that are discovered all the time that I am always kept challenged. Although to be perfectly honest I don't see myself as a bright shining star that catches attention. I could fade away and I don't think many would notice." she said. This wasn't her putting herself down by any means, just that she felt in the grand scheme of the galaxy, of the universe, she was simply a small cog in an ever moving machine.
"Someone once said, you're one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan," he paused, realizing how dark that sounded. "It's a grim reality on life around us. We all play a part, and I guess hope that our part makes some difference when our part comes to an end." He looked at the Doctor and winked. "For those of us to actually come to an end, I mean."
"I agree," Viessa replied. "But moving on to cheerier subjects, tell me about yourself. What brought you onto this type of assignment? Family? Things like that." She asked, wanting to know the XO a little better.
"To be honest, I keep asking myself that every minute," Abe smiled, "I've been in a lab for so long that it was starting to become mundane. I moved into more of a Command role, and I found it challenging and exciting." He paused, "now nothing will ever take me too far from the lab, I will still keep all my licenses active but the excitement of what else is there was too appealing."
"I can understand that. There have been times where I've been tempted to quit medicine for something else. Although, I don't know what I'd choose from, maybe research or something." Viessa said as she began talking to herself. "I think the lure of a red uniform is quite far away. I've been in blue all my life."
"Ask me in a few months what I think," he tugged at her collar, "I might give you the red in trade for your blue."
Vi laughed, "No thank you. I look too good in blue to give it up." she joked.
Abe smiled, "I said that at one point," he motioned to his uniform, "plans change, trust me."
"Maybe at 500 years old. Might make a change." she half joked.
He raised his glass, "then here's to 500 years from now, " he laughed. "Not all of us can live that long."
"I like to think we live on in the hearts of those we love, the memories and stories that others tell." Viessa replied. "So, your body might be gone but your spirit and soul never leave."
"I have a few ex-girlfriends who might not agree with you," he smiled, "but that might be why they are ex's I suppose." He looked around then turned his direction to the Doctor, "What about you, anyone to miss you after all this?"
"Yes, I do." Viessa smiled. "I have two boys on Kaitos, Orrian and Folre. Orrian is 31 and wants to be a doctor like his mum here and Folre, well... he's the boundary pusher. He mentioned our military, but my ex and I are against that at the moment." she smiled at Abe. "I miss them terribly, but Corym looks after them well, so I know they are safe and guided on the right path."
"I wish I had children, but alas, that wasn't in the cards for me," Abe replied, "and now given my age probably will never happen. But such in the life of Starfleet. Married to the uniform, I think is what my father said."
"I think sometimes career Starfleeters consider their crew family, maybe even some of the younger ones as children in a fashion in the way they are looked after. As XO I suppose we are all your crazy kids vying for attention and hoping we don't get in trouble." Viessa smiled. He gave off a Dad vibe very much in her opinion.
"I don't know that I have ever shared that sentiment," Abe looked at the Doctor, "but I would certainly agree that some people probably have that idea. I guess I've never had a ship or an assignment that truly felt like family. the Artemis, perhaps," he nodded.
"Well, we'll just need to see about making you feel that way, sir. We'll need to lean on each other more than others with what we might be dealing with when we head out." Viessa said as she finished her meal. The small clink of the cutlery sounded as they touched the plate and she looked at her new XO.
Abe smiled, "I would agree with that statement; the unknown is going to be extreme at times. The only way any of us are going to finish this mission is by placing trust in each other, Doctor." He finished up the last morsel of food on his plate. "..and yes, I might need to work on that," he winked.
"Please, call me Viessa." She smiled at him and went to rise from her chair. "I've enjoyed talking to your sir. Hopefully the first of many non medical chats." She joked. "I'll see you around the ship." She smiled and went to leave.
"Doctor," he paused, "Viessa, call me Abe, it is the lounge after all," he smirked.
"Have a good afternoon, Abe." Viessa replied.
A Joint Post By
Lieutenant Viessa Kenobi
Chief Medical Officer/Medical Examiner, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit
Commander Abernathy Rice PhD
Executive Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit