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Clothos meets Atrophos

Posted on Thu Mar 2nd, 2023 @ 5:09pm by Lieutenant Siadra Molaur
Edited on on Fri Mar 3rd, 2023 @ 8:25am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: The Hunt Begins
Location: Kelly's Quarters - Deck 4 - USS Artemis
Timeline: MD003 1600 hrs

Little by little Siadra continued in her search for other peoples stories as to the Breen attack. Each one had a different tale, and so she continued on. She had another person she wished to talk to. She was Commander Kelly Miller. To this end, she tapped on her combadge,

"Commander Miller, this is Lieutenant Molaur may I have a moment of your time and where can we meet at?" And Siadra waited for an answerr.

In her quarters, the combadge pinged. Placing her files to the side, she stood up and crossed to the table where she kept her uniform pieces, carefully and neatly organized. She tapped back. "My quarters, now." It wasn't a suggestion. "Habitation deck 2, room 5."

And there it was, a quick, brisk, to the point answer. Siadra could appreciate something like that and a few minutes later there would be the sound of the chime, announcing her arrival to the commander's Quarters.

The chime sounded, and Kelly let the woman in. "Thank you for being here quickly. You can sit here." Kelly took the seat opposite from Siadra. "What brings you here today?" Kelly didn't offer anything-she wasn't hosting this SOCIALLY, after all.

"Actually I am here to get your perception as to your side of the Breen battle, it is for a recording of history. Where were you when the battle was happening? Were you on the bridge, or someplace else? I have seen the signs of battle both on the outside and on the inside. And for the sake of history I've been gathering information." Siadra did without any preamble.

Kelly paused. "I was on the bridge; Kidd wanted me there, for God knows what reason. But he's the captain, so there I was. Ideally, command staff are trained in the runnings of a ship, I suppose, but I never cared to learn much about it; I'd rather do this," she pointed to her stack of files. "Out of the blue, we took a hit. Then a few more. I was tossed around; we all were." She paused so the woman could record the information.

Siadra had her tricorder recording what Kelly had mentioned. "I have found that just in case odd things happen it is good to know how to command a ship or be ready for an emergency." Siadra's voice just quiet. "Were you injured, was anyone injured on the bridge?"

Kelly nodded, but paused before she responded, her eyes drifting around the room. THIS is where she kept her personal items, like photos and decor-and she wondered what the other woman thought of it. She kept her suite sparse and minimalist-nothing but a table, two chairs, a coffee console, the bed, and a single plant. The photos were only three-her and John on their wedding day, one of her with their niece when the girl graduated high school, and one more of her at her Academy graduation. In her bedroom were more photos-some of her parents and a few more of her and her late husband, but no one would see those.

"The Captain was hit. I fell but was ok. Um, I think...Kenobi and Frost. Corwin took a small hit but seemed ok." She related. "After that, I helped out in the medbay for a bit-first aide I can do." Not that she LIKED it, but she could handle triage for a bit.

Siadra did indeed see what few items that Kelly had, a spartan life style. She even took notice of the three photos that were there. She then perused Kelly's features, was there a haunted look in her eyes? Was there the look of facing hardship.

"Tell me something Commander. What would you consider the most heinous crime ever to have happen?" Siadra wondering if she would get a straight answer from the woman in front of her.

Kelly stared for a moment. No one had ever asked her anything like that!! She thought for a moment, but she knew the answer pretty quickly.

"Assault of any kind where the victim is left alive. To me, leaving them ALIVE with those memories is far more cruel and brutal than murder. And of course, ANY crime committed against a child or elder, or disabled individual. Those two things tie for top two on my list of "lock them up and throw away the key." That doesn't mean that other things aren't especially heinous, but those two are, in my opinion and experience, the worst." She'd been around the block a time or five, and to this day, she had a few cases in both categories that still haunted her. PLUS, it was logical that those were bad; no matter what species, most would agree that an iota of humanity mattered.

"Why do you ask?" Kelly wondered. Sure enough, though, she saw the woman glancing around the room, likely trying to profile her or something. She followed the woman's gaze to the photo of her and John. "That's my late husband, John," she said, with no other explanations and a tone that said "do not ask".

"My condolences to his passing." was all that Siadra said as per his photo. "As for your question, I wanted to know why as it is something that had been asked of me. And it caused me to wonder how others would answer. I would be in agreement with you as to putting those that would do such heinous acts be buried to where they can not experience the sunshine ever again."

"Thank you. I see. I am glad you agree. Do you need anything else from me?" She asked.

"Perhaps we can discuss that at another time, if you would like, over some tea at my quarters. This way I won't seem to be too nosey as to your personal space. And then you can ask me some questions. Maybe even grill me." a single eyebrow arched upwards, when Siadra mentioned this. "You remind my first host of a woman he had met long ago. Someone he thought had a lot of stage presence."

Kelly shrugged. "Probably not. I don't...mingle." She continued. "Your first...what?" Kelly was confused.

Siadra ran her finger along the spots that were upon her face and along her neck. "I am a trill, a joined trill. My first host." a mild look of amusement in her eyes. Then Siadra remarked. "You don't mingle, just how young are you and how will you actually learn of people's habits and forming a bit of a team with them. A person can not be an island all the time. You just need to learn to traverse the rocky shoals and the reefs that are out there and here."

Kelly nodded. "I see. I don't know much about your people, admittedly. I am 55; actually, ten years older than the Captain, even. I don't mingle because I am tired, Lieutenant. And the others with their fecklessness? No thank you. Cases don't get argued when you're in the lounge. You don't become a LtCommander by MINGLING." She used to mingle. She was actually a bit of a party girl in her younger years, and she and John would have a good time with the rest of the crew. Her stuffiness didn't come to her until her late 40's, and only got worse after her husband's death-when she felt truly alone and lost. "But you should. You're young still. You have plenty of time."

This elicited a raised eyebrow from Siadra, and she snorted. "You amuse me, you are quite young compared to how long I, that is Molaur, have been around. I may have a lovely young body but, I've been around quite awhile. So don't give me the 'I didn't get to being a Lieutenant Commander by mingling.' Lame excuse young woman."

Siadra paused for a moment, her eyes going back to the image of Kelly's husband. "There are different ways of dealing with grief over a lost loved one, is putting up a prickly facade and allowing yourself to become bitter. All to keep yourself safe, to keep from being hurt anymore. Hiding your inner self in order to protect the heart which has been stabbed multiple times. Just don't burn yourself out by hanging onto the toxicity that you wish to hold onto as it is something you wish to do so. As that is the all familiar cozy ill gotten friend you wish to keep."

Even though Kelly outranked Siadra, Molaur had been around and have seen the trials and tribulations of those who he has come across. "I shall take my leave now Commander. As I do not wish to take up anymore of your time."

Kelly just nodded. "Well, I appreciate your insight, even though literally no one asked. Have a good rest of your evening." She said. "You can see yourself out, I presume?"

"Indeed I shall do so, Commander, and I know you hadn't asked, but its words of wisdom that hopefully it will take root, as it may well save you some trouble later on. Well, until next time." Siadra stated and left Kelly's quarters.

Kelly nodded. It wouldn't take root, but she'd let the woman believe whatever made her feel better.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Siadra Molaur
Chief Forensic Science Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit

Lieutenant Commander Kelly Miller
JAG Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit


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