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Lunch Hour Meetings

Posted on Mon Feb 27th, 2023 @ 10:58am by Lieutenant Jonathan Corwin
Edited on on Wed Mar 1st, 2023 @ 8:37pm

1,516 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Hunt Begins
Location: Mess Hall - Deck 5 - USS Artemis
Timeline: MD02 1230 hrs

LCdr Kelly Miller set up her table. She supposed she had been here long enough that it was time to formally introduce herself to co-counsel. Ugh. She hated this part of being the departmental head. Still, she knew some things came with the status of rank, and time in office, and while she hated that kind of formal bullshit, here she was. On her tray was a sandwich-the contents of which were supposed to be tuna fish, but it looked rather disgusting, an apple, and a bottle of water. She had a stack of files on the table to read while she waited-and if Corwin knew what was good for him, she wouldn't be waiting long-and as she sliced the apple into eight equal sections, she picked up the top one, and opened it. New hires were always an interesting thing. She'd told Corwin to be there at 1245. He had five minutes.

Jonathan spotted where Commander Miller was sitting and walked over to the table carrying his lunch tray and an old fashion leather briefcase slung over his shoulder. He smiled at her. " Good afternoon Commander Miller. I am here as instructed and I hope you are having a pleasant day so far. " He said as he sat down at the table.

She looked up at him, but didn't smile. She snapped the folder closed, and put it aside.

"Yes, thank you. You're on time. Let's begin." No niceties, none of that stuff. "I am, as you said, LCommander Kelly Miller. JAG. Born in the Fleet, went to the Academy, yada yada. My late husband was a pilot, died on an exercise. I'm sure it'll come up, so now you know. We had no children. Now that the introductions are done, we can get down to brass tacks. This is the Powers' file. What do you think about bringing him in as your second chair?" She handed him the file she'd just been reading.

Jonathan smiled as he accepted the file. " No I have no objections to getting down to business at all Commander. " He began to read over the file on Powers. " Looks good enough to play second fiddle to me, and I have no objections yo this person. " He glanced up at Kelly. " As a matter of protocol I'll ask. But when we're alone and talking like this do you prefer to be addressed as Commander, Commander Miller or Kelly? I know in the courtroom it's by the book and by rank, But out here? That's why I'm asking, to go with what you would prefer. We're going to be working together for awhile, So I'd like to get things started off on the right foot as they say. " He started to nibble at his lunch as he waited for an answer and hoped that they could at least be friends one day.

She ignored her food; she wasn't hungry, it was mostly for show anyway. She had other things to do. "Commander is fine, or Miller. Never Kelly, unless you're looking to die." She was very much by-the-book; she wouldn't stand for anything else. "Even out here." She confirmed. It was impersonal; she had no intention of making friends with this man-or anyone else. The only people in the universe allowed to call her Kelly was herself, her niece, and her only friend, Lucy Harrison. "If you don't mind, we'll stick with Lt. Corwin for yourself." She paused. "I'll tell Kidd that Powers is a go." She finally picked up the apple slices, and savagely bit into one.

" As you wish. Commander Miller it is them. " He said with a smile and a flourish of his hand. " I shall do as you have requested then. What other matters do we need to discuss at this time then Commander? I know we're gearing up for our first mission, and I hope that we're able to do some good and remove some of these evil creatures from the universe or prove them innocent if the evidence warrents it. "

"Besides Powers' file, I just wanted to see how your defense was coming along. I'll have some paperwork for you this afternoon; discovery and such. I think it's best to suggest a group trial-try them all at once, instead of individually. I am not getting any younger; I don't want to be trying these Breen when I am seventy." She stopped to let him agree or not. Ultimately, the Captain and the Judge would make the call but they could certainly make suggestions. "And then I suggest we start discussing a jury. I am going to review these things later this afternoon with my co-counsel. It is Lt. Benson."

" Well, part of the federation legal mandate is for all to have a fair and speedy trail under the law, I would not object to having them tried all at once. But I will also reserve the right to change that after speaking with my clients and doing what is in they're best interest, I take it that you have no objections to that? " He asked

Kelly looked up. Was he quoting the handbook to HER? She just set her jaw, but nodded. "I am aware of the protocols, Lieutenant. No, no objections for now. I would expect you to fully represent the Breen in stead of their presence." She had been a defense lawyer once. All Fleet JAGs were trained-she PREFERRED prosecution, but she could do both. Maybe they'd trade next time, give her brain some exercise. "Anything less would inexcusable."

Jonathan smiled at her. " I didn't think you'd have any objections to the matter. " He stated. " I know you've worked hard to get where you areas a JAG councilor, your rank wasn't given to you. I know you earned it, and I have much I could learn from you just by observing how you conduct yourself and your techniques while in the courtroom. I would be a fool not to learn from you any chance I get, And I don't consider myself to be a fool and it is an honor to be working with someone with your experience and knowledge. " He said as he slightly inclined his head in a show of respect.

She fought the urge to stab him with her apple knife, and instead just rolled her brown eyes to the ceiling. "I did it with hard work. Nothing more, nothing less." In fact, her last promotion had come long enough after John's death that no one could claim favoritism. She went on. "You sound a little...brown-nosy, so here's some advice. Shut up, listen, learn, and do your best. You went to Starfleet Academy. Species come from all over the Universe to attend it, especially the law and medical schools. You know, on your own, exactly what to do." She finished the apple. "Just be glad that I am not MY mentor. He'd have had you on your sorry six by now." With that, she stood up, picked up her tray, and returned it to sanitation, all without a word or look to anyone. She returned to the table, but did not sit down.

"Was there anything else?" She asked him. "If not, I am going back to work."

Jonathan raised an eyebrow due to her sharp tone. " That's the first time I've ever been berated for complimenting someone on their hard work and work ethics. First off I do not a brown nose. Second, all I said was that I could learn from you be observing you, I didn't ask you to mentor me. Third I have also worked hard to get where I am and my rank has also been earned. I learn what I can from who I can and it will all be useful in the future. I was not attempting to patronize you in any way, I am sorry if you misunderstood what I was attempting to convey to you. I don't know what is going on in your life currently or why your attitude is hostile towards me at this time. Other then that commander I have nothing else to discuss at this time. "

The storm light up in her brown eyes. She looked at him, and spat out a response. "I would remind the LIEUTENANT that he's speaking to a Lieutenant Commander, and to remind him that his tone matters. But the rest is noted. Thank you. I'll have the Powers paperwork to you by 1400." With that, she turned to go, glaring at the rest of the people gathered as she did.

*Keep composure, Miller,* she told herself.

Jonathan shook his head in disbelief as Commander Miller walked away and wondered what her problem was. He turned and went about his business as he was to busy for any of this at the time.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Commander Kelly Miller
JAG Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit

Lieutenant Jonathan Corwin
Defense Council, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit


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