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Access Denied

Posted on Fri Mar 10th, 2023 @ 3:43pm by Lieutenant Sorine Kaida
Edited on on Mon Mar 13th, 2023 @ 3:08pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: The Hunt Begins
Location: JAG office - Deck 6 - USS Artemis
Timeline: MD003 1400 hrs

Kelly was in her office-because where else would she be?- and yes, she KNEW it was after hours. And yes, she also knew that other people DID things after work, but she did not. One did not become a Lieutenant Commander in line for the Judgeship by Doing Things after work. She had already replicated herself some dinner-steamed fish, rice, and salad, no reason to get fat now-and ate it while working. She knew that John would have had a heart attack to see her now, but what was she supposed to do? Life went on.

She tapped her comms badge, and trilled down the line, in the iciest tone she could muster. "Lt. Kaida, report to JAG. On the double." She clicked off, and settled back with the Breen files. She'd read them all already several times but she was reading them AGAIN. She wasn't going to lose. Especially not to...Corwin.
She glanced at her watch. Kaida had exactly five minutes to get here or it would NOT be pretty. She might only be a JAG but she WAS a Lieutenant Commander, and her time was valuable.

Kaida had been wandering the ship, becoming familiar with the layout as she was accustomed to doing with every new assignment. She knew that the computer would be only happy to point her in the right direction but what happened if the computer was down? Kaida liked to be prepared.

She jumped slightly when her commbadge chirped and a voice rang out for her to report to JAG. Her eyebrows rose but she turned direction and sped off walking as quickly as she could without picking her feet too high off the floor. Standing outside the office she hit the chime.

Kelly glanced at her watch. Two minutes nearly exactly. Impressive. She barked an order.

"Enter." She didn't let people in. That required an iota of care and warmth. "Sit." She didn't offer anything as far as a nicety or even some water. She just went on.

"What do you have so far with the Breen case? I need access to their representative. Myself and Lt. Benson, that is." She had closed the file she was reading, and had her hands folded over themselves as she spoke. "Tomorrow, 8 am. I don't like to wait, and I don't care if you don't start until 9. I'll work it out with the Captain or whoever later on."

Kaida liked the familiarity of Starfleet, the way rules and regulations guided everyday life and social skills were sometimes something that got left on the back burner as her human family would say. And she was by no means brilliant at small talk so it didn't bother her in the least that all that had come out of the other woman's mouth were orders. She entered when told to and sat when told to but she was going to have to go off the rails a tiny bit here. "I'm sorry," she hesitated ever so slightly, wondering if she should use Sir or Ma'am to address the superior officer. "Ma'am," she finally decided on. "But I'm afraid I just arrived and I haven't even logged into a computer here yet. I'd be happy to do some research for you and find what you need however."

Kelly made a face. "FINE. Alert me when you HAVE had the opportunity to do so, and I'd expect that opportunity to come up sooner than later." It wasn't an order or command, it was just a strongly worded suggestion. She sighed.

"If I can assist you in that in some way, just let me know."

"Yes Ma'am." Kaida answered her but she didn’t take it as a dismissal. "Unless there's a summary somewhere and I can try to be of assistance now. Was there something specific you were looking for?"

Kelly made a face. "Not that I am aware of, but Captain Kidd would be a better person to answer that. Are we done here?"

"Yes ma'am," Kaida stood, now this was a dismissal. She left the room without another word, not anxious to dissappoint again.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Commander Kelly Miller
JAG Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit

Lieutenant Sorine Kaida
Investigations Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit


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