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Mutual Curiosity

Posted on Tue Aug 1st, 2023 @ 6:44pm by Lieutenant Claire Fisher & Lieutenant Siadra Molaur
Edited on on Wed Aug 2nd, 2023 @ 12:23am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: The Sins of History
Location: JAG Officer's Office - Deck 6 - USS Artemis
Timeline: MD005 1130 hrs

A quiet spot of tea in her quarters, Siadra taking a break from her day in the lab. Her inner host voices having been a bit quiet for the time being. Well that is, until Keema decided to pipe up.

"You know dear, you have gone to most of the places on the ship and yet you have avoided or it could be classified as neglectful, in not going to the Counselor's office.

Siadra gave out a sigh, "I didn't want to go there yet. There was just so much else to go look at and get set up." making up an excuse. "And really, if I go there I may end up trying to make the place look pretty, or even see if the counselor wants dress made. I blame you for that one, Keema."

The former host just laughed at that. you love it and I know you do. Just go investigate the counselor's office. Have you even looked to see who is there on the roster?

"Um no, not completely." Siadra giving a sigh, then gulped down her tea. "Let me go look."

Siadra looked at the Roster, following it all the way to Mental Health There was a mention of a counselor, Lieutenant O'Rourke and her hand hovered over her commbadge getting ready to tap. Her attention was caught by the name of Lieutenant Claire Fisher. Now the last name caught her attention perking up her interest due to the last name, she had to go meet this lady most definitely. "I wonder what she will be like, I need to go find out." Completely forgetting. that she was going to go meet the counselor. Locating the whereabouts of her office , Siadra arrived and pressed the chime.

She had some feelings of anticipation of what could unfold when stepping through that door.

Claire had just finished reading up on one of the Bajorian’s most wanted criminals, making notes from the reports of his crimes, when she heard the chime to her door. She quickly checked her schedule. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Regardless, she called the computer to pause the classic music she had playing and turned her chair towards the door. “Come in.” She called, making to stand at her desk.

With the door opening, Siadra stepped inside, her eyes darting around to see the decor of the room then her gaze making its way to Lieutenant Fisher.

"Greetings, I am Lieutenant Molaur, Chief Science Officer. How do you do? Welcome to the USS Artemis." walking over towards the counselor a hand outstretched to shake Claire's hand in greeting.

Claire offered her hand to the woman. “Claire Fisher, it’s a pleasure.” Claire offered warmly. She gestured to the cream colored sofa for Siadra to sit at, pulling her own desk chair over to speak with the lieutenant. “My apologies, I haven’t had time to properly decorate the office.” She commented about the drab, standard issue office. “To be honest, I haven’t really thought of the aesthetic I am going for.” She admitted with a slightly embarrassed smile. “Though I doubt you came here to discuss decor. Would you like anything to calm your nerves?” She asked, gesturing towards the replicator. “I’m told the Darjeeling tea recipe is excellent.”

"Darjeeling tea sounds lovely. I'll accept" Siadra giving a bit of a smile. "Oh I don't mind discussing the decor, hearing your ideas." adjusting herself upon the sofa. "And I can see you are observant noticing my looking around the place. I tend to do that." another glance around then fixing her gaze upon Claire. "I guess I am a little bit nervous or maybe wondering how this conversation will go. I also do want to get to know you a little bit as well." her gaze friendly and warm.

Claire smiled as she replicated each of them a tea and handed Siadra. “It will go however you want it to go. This isn’t a scheduled appointment and I'm no longer a counselor. Not officially anyway.” She commented sitting back in her seat. “I can understand this can be a bit intimidating. Most people have some level of anxiety dealing with a counselor, or lawyer for that matter. Though I imagine as a Trill, you have a unique perspective on the subject.” Fisher said to try to gently guide the conversation away from herself and whatever compelled Siadra to introduce herself. Aside from the Captain and Adalyn, she was the only one so far, and quite boldly so.

A light laugh. "Have you ever been involved in a session when several former hosts voices get into an argument. It can be rather intense, I had to get a mediator, a voice of reason." Siadra commented, "The counselor was a little bit taken aback by the counseling session. She managed to get through it and was most helpful."

Claire leaned forward in her chair, resting her elbow near her knee. “And how does that work for you?” She asked, intrigued. “How do you manage all of it?”

"One day at a time, one step at a time, one moment? It is rather interesting. The first two hosts were male, then there was Keema who was female then well me. I had asked Molaur about why the choices he has made for the changes in his hosts. He had let me know that he had his reasons, and wasn't quite ready to share. One thing I had noted though was that the first host lived to the full age, then the next host the years being alive were shortened. Keema died at age 95, then Molaur and Keema had decided on me."

Claire found that particular fact rather interesting and her nose scrunched up a bit in reaction. “Interesting indeed. May I ask, how did they die? The later hosts I mean. It seems curious they would both live such shorter lives.”

"One died due to a robbery, and the other Keema, I say someone was sort of successful in killing her. She died just after Molaur was transferred to me. She had told me that she found herself covered in mud and in a rather wet area. Memories are only bits and pieces." Siadra remarked.

Claire nodded at this information. “I see, and how does that make you feel? Both personally as well as with regards to the mission here?” She asked gently. Claire watched Siadra’s body language as closely as she listened to the woman’s answer.

Siadra's hand lifted up her cup to her lips, feeling some emotions well up. Her hand trembled slightly, even if she were trying stay composed. She took a sip, lowering the cup down.

"I have trouble at times, sometimes I have dream like memories from Keema as to what happened to her. And a couple of times, before I had joined up on the ship, I felt that someone may have been following me." Siadra remarked. "But seriously who would want to kill a civilian, who is, well, was a weaver and led a humble life."

Claire simply nodded as she sat back in her seat to give the woman space to process. “Unfortunately sometimes they’re things that defy logic. Sadly I have come to know in my career, they may not be a motive to murder. I am sorry though that your previous host had that experience, and that you must live with it.” She said sincerely.

"I would love to find a way to piece things together but I have been resoundly scolded by both Keema as well as, Aadru who was a curator, to just leave things well enough alone. And the first host of Molaur has been a bit quiet. " Siadra replied. "It irks me very much." she leaned back in the sofa after placing her tea cup upon the table.

Fisher nodded as she listened. She was a tad rusty as to her training with joined Trills. The vast majority were peaceful and had no issues between hosts and symbiots. There were times though that past lived experiences could prove to be a problem. “That must be frustrating.” She said empathetically. “And have you reached out to the Symbiosis Institute about these concerns of yours?”

"Yes I have and they offered to make it to where I can not hear them anymore. I do not want that. I have a crime or crimes in the here and now, to solve and sometime down the road I will need to figure out just what happened. I will need their help to solve it, along with the help of others as well. As much as I complain about them its nice having a sort of family in my mind." Siadra explained.

Claire considered this and nodded. “That must be reassuring. Is there anything else that is on your mind today?”

"Yes, it is. Though I am wondering are you distantly related to Carrie Fisher from Earth? An actress from Earth's history?" Siadra was most definitely curious on this.

Claire gave a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry to disappoint but to my knowledge I am not. My family mostly has been in commerce and academia since as long as I can remember. Does that sort of thing appeal to you? The theater?”

Siadra laughed, "Actually the first host was Jomod, he was an actor, a writer, as
well as a director." Siadra gracefully rose up from her chair, walking away from the seat. She looked over her shoulder towards Claire. "He loved, Filmnoir. The classic films, back in the 1930's." She turned back around fully to resume her seat. "Yes theater does appeal to me, as well as history and even weaving and sewing. "

“That sounds fantastic as an ideal way to unwind. It must be stressful for the type of missions the ship is assigned.” Claire commented.

"Sewing and the weaving are definitely relaxing. Sewing..." Siadra paused for a moment as she carefully thought out the next part of her sentence. "Sewing it allows me to cut something to pieces, into a shape which then provdes me the means to stab something multiple times to create something useful, and the stress does leave as beneath the fingeres and the sewing something together, it creates hopefully something beautiful. Whereas, when encountering different species who end up being rude, and a person can't just attack them and cut them up. And once they are cut up a person can't sew them back together to bring them back to life." Siadra giving a half smile.

Shifting herself and drawing her right leg crossing it over her left knee. Siadra continued. "I am not Doctor Victor Frankenstein from the classic book of Frankenstein. I do like the other title for that book, The Modern Day Prometheus. It is a really good title as well. I do love classic books very much."

Claire did her best to keep her face neutral and instead gave a soft friendly smile. "I can see your point."

"Always best to channel difficult feelings into something constructive. Or there is always the cleaning to vent out anger." Siadra drinking a bit more of her tea, after her comment, and having a twinkle in her eyes.

She lowered the cup, getting a slight furrow in her brow as Keema was nagging at her. You were supposed to go see the counselor, you've taken up enough of the Lieutenant's time. Keep your promise

"Well, it looks like my inner secretary has decided to remind me that I need to go meet Counselor O'Rourke. And just when I was wanting to talk more with you. However Keema did make a good point as I need to let you get settled in. Perhaps another time?"

Claire smiled and nodded as she stood to walk Siadra to the door. “That sounds lovely. I’d love to setup a time to meet others in the science and medical department. I may no longer be apart of the department, but I don’t see why we can’t all be friends. Perhaps over lunch?”

"That sounds like a great plan." Siadra remarked giving a cheerful smile. "I am looking forward to that." She paused at the door "Thank you again for indulging a strange person." giving a light laugh. With that comment Siadra stepped through the door, the door closing behind her. She had a few things to do in her lab. she seems to be a lovely woman Keema intoned. Siadra only nodded, eager to get back to her lab.

A Joint Post By

Lieutenant Siadra Molaur
Chief Forensic Science Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit

Lieutenant Claire Fisher
JAG Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit


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