The Sins of History

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The USS Artemis is sent to Bajor at the request of Minister Taro Holmes. It seems that the Bajoran government has picked up the trail of the last war criminal Gul Yorr Vamcet. Vamcent was the administrator for Porchet Forced labor Camp. He is allegedly responsible for numerous deaths, too numerous to list. Captain Kidd and the team aboard the Artemis must follow the decades cold trail. Can the Artemis find the Gul and bring him to justice or will his sins just be lost to history.

Mission Group The Case Files
Start Date Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 10:38pm

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Title Timeline Location
Doctor to Doctor Part II
by Lieutenant Siadra Molaur & Lieutenant Maya Canak
MD009 1500 hrs Chief Medical Officer's Office - Deck 9 - USS Artemis
Doctor to Doctor Part I
by Lieutenant Siadra Molaur & Lieutenant Maya Canak
MD009 1400 hrs Chief Medical Officer's Office - Deck 9 - USS Artemis
The Snare
by Captain Marc Kidd & Commander Mariko Tao & Lieutenant Commander Faith Benson & Lieutenant Christopher Blake & Lieutenant Sorine Kaida & Lieutenant Vincent 'Ghost' Zandrell & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn & Lieutenant Siadra Molaur & Lieutenant Maya Canak & Lt JG Adalyn O'Rourke Ph.D. & Ensign Nala Rider
MD010 1300 hrs Main Bridge - Deck 3 - USS Artemis
Coming Aboard
by Captain Marc Kidd & Commander Mariko Tao & Lieutenant Commander Faith Benson & Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn
MD009 1400 hrs Ready Room - Deck 3 - USS Artemis
Forensic Botany
by Lieutenant Maya Canak & Ensign Nala Rider
MD009 1100 hrs Facial Reconstruction Lab - Deck 11- USS Artemis
The Sounds of Spring
by Lieutenant Christopher Blake & Lieutenant Sorine Kaida
MD009 1300 hrs Holodeck 1 - Deck 4 - USS Artemis
Saying Goodbye
by Lieutenant Siadra Molaur & Lieutenant Commander Viessa Kenobi
MD008 1700 hrs Sick Bay - Deck 9 - USS Artemis
Holodeck Mystery Part I
by Lieutenant Commander Faith Benson & Ensign Nala Rider
MD003 2000 hrs Holodeck 3 - Deck 5 - USS Artemis
Checking In
by Lieutenant Christopher Blake & Lieutenant Siadra Molaur
MD007 1500 hrs Bridge - Deck 3 - USS Artemis
A Toss of a Coin Part V
by Lieutenant Vincent 'Ghost' Zandrell & Lieutenant Loktor & Pepper
MD007 0100 hrs Side Bar Lounge - Deck 5 - USS Artemis
A Toss of a Coin Part IV
by Lieutenant Vincent 'Ghost' Zandrell & Lieutenant Loktor & Pepper
MD007 0000 hrs Side Bar Lounge - Deck 5 - USS Artemis
A Toss of a Coin Part III
by Lieutenant Vincent 'Ghost' Zandrell & Lieutenant Loktor & Pepper
MD006 2300 hrs The Sidebar Lounge - Deck 5 - USS Artemis
House Call
by Captain Marc Kidd & Lieutenant Maya Canak
MD010 1000 hrs Ready Room - Deck 3 - USS Artemis
Science Meet Up
by Lieutenant Siadra Molaur & Lt JG Ansel Lund & Ensign Nala Rider & Lt JG Fenora
MD008 1300 hrs Side Bar Lounge - Deck 5 - USS Artemis
After Action
by Captain Marc Kidd & Lieutenant Commander Faith Benson & Lieutenant Sorine Kaida & Lieutenant Siadra Molaur & Ensign Nala Rider & Cassandra Frost & Lieutenant Commander Viessa Kenobi
MD007 1400 hrs Observation Lounge - Deck 3 - USS Artemis
Going Spelunking
by Lieutenant Andromeda Nash & Lieutenant Siadra Molaur
MD008 - 0830 hrs Jefferies tubes - USS Artemis
Soft Surrounds
by Lieutenant Sorine Kaida & Lieutenant Siadra Molaur
MD006 1830 hrs Lt. Molaur's Quarters - Deck 4 - USS Artemis
Ferrying Forth
by Commander Mariko Tao & Lieutenant Maya Canak
MD009 - 1000 Hours White Stag, Empok Nor, Trivas System
The Weight of Expectation
by Captain Marc Kidd & Commander Mariko Tao
MD010 - 0800 Hours Ready room, USS Artemis
ESU/Tactical Officer Check In
by Captain Marc Kidd & Lieutenant Vincent 'Ghost' Zandrell
MD006 0900 hrs Ready Room - Deck 3 - USS Artemis
The Way
by Captain Marc Kidd & Lieutenant Jonathan Corwin & Lieutenant Christopher Blake & Lieutenant Claire Fisher & Lieutenant Vincent 'Ghost' Zandrell & Lieutenant Andromeda Nash & Lt JG Adalyn O'Rourke Ph.D. & Lt JG Ansel Lund & Lieutenant Commander Viessa Kenobi
MD007 1030 hrs Main Bridge - Deck 3 - USS Artemis
About Face
by Lieutenant Christopher Blake & Lieutenant Sorine Kaida
MD006 1600 hrs Holodeck 1 - Deck 4 - USS Artemis
Silver Fox
by Lt JG Ansel Lund
MD001 0930 hrs Executive Officer's Office - Deck 4 - USS Artemis
The Trail Goes Digital Part II
by Captain Marc Kidd & Lieutenant Commander Faith Benson & Lieutenant Sorine Kaida & Lieutenant Siadra Molaur & Lieutenant JG Andrew Griffin & Ensign Nala Rider & Cassandra Frost
MD007 1200 hrs Freecloud
Finding An Engineer In The Most Unlikely Of Places
by Captain Marc Kidd & Lieutenant Andromeda Nash
MD007 1100 hrs Captain's Ready Room - Deck 3 - USS Artemis

Mission Summary