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"Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope."
-Robert Kennedy-
(As inscribed on the dedication plaque of the USS Artemis NCC-80103)


In the Federation any crime is considered especially heinous. In Starfleet the dedicated personnel who investigate the most vicious felonies are members of an elite crew known as the Criminal Investigations Unit. THESE ARE THEIR STORIES…

The year is 2397. The Federation is a peaceful utopia where all cultures live in harmony for the betterment of each other, or is it. The Federation and by extension Starfleet would have you believe that there is little to no crime in the utopia that is the Federation. However, crime does indeed run rampant so a unit was created to keep these most vicious criminals under the rug and out of site. This unit known as the Starfleet Criminal Investigations Service (SFCIS) is tasked with pursuing offenders of all kinds and bringing them to justice. As well as making sure that the Federation's image is maintained

Rear Admiral Declan Ford, an old veteran of space by this point is given the command of the unit and brings in Captain Marc Kidd to command the ship. This ship, a Luna Class vessel aptly named the USS Artemis after the Goddess of the hunt will be used to hunt down enemies to justice wherever they may be.

This intrepid crew will stop at nothing to see justice done. While they accomplish this great feat they will learn about themselves and what their limits are. Exploration will build Starfleet, diplomacy will build the Federation, but justice will prevail when Artemis completes the hunt. This crew will have to prove that where there is justice there is hope. Can their tiny ripple become a giant wave? In short, their mission echoes their dedication plaque.

Marc and his crew will prove that leading by example is the best way to make friends. If you think you have what it takes to investigate the vicious crimes, and prosecute the offenders the join the Artemis as it takes up the hunt for justice.


Browse the manifest to see what open positions interest you. Take a read of the crew posts and logs to see what we are made of. If this sounds like something, you might be interested in being part of, feel free to submit an application or alternative contacting Command through the 'Contact Us' button with any questions or queries you may have.

We welcome all writers. It doesn't matter if you have been role-playing in the Star Trek universe for less than a day or you are a veteran. All are welcome!

The USS Artemis is a proud Theta Fleet sim. Serving in Task Force 23. Join us now!

USS Artemis is a Star Trek role-playing SIM that is played using Nova, a role-playing system developed by Anodyne Productions. You must be 16 or older to join this SIM!

cast 2024

2024 Overall


Captain Marc Kidd

December 2024


Commander Mariko Tao



Truth Or Death

November 2024


October 2024




Cassandra Frost
August 2024



Sorine Kaida

July 2024



June 2024



Mariko Tao

Vincent Zandrell

May 2024


April 2024


Lieutenant Commander Viessa Kenobi

March 2024



Trying To Be A Shadow

Captain Marc Kidd

February 2024


Cassandra Frost

January 2024


Lieutenant Junior Grade Adalyn O'Rourke

Latest News Items

» The Wheel Keeps on Turning - 2024 In Review

Posted on Wed Jan 8th, 2025 @ 1:25am by Captain Marc Kidd in General News

The band Journey said it best when they said that the wheel in the sky keeps on turning. One year ends and another one begins. I am amazed by the community we are building around the USS Artemis. Who knew that a crazy idea like what if law and order met Star Trek would take off like this. I can genuinely say that I count each and every one of you among my closest friends. Now I need to win some money somewhere so I can come visit you all. But that is another story.

I am constantly amazed by the talent and original thinking displayed by each of you. This year saw the crew of the Artemis track down a genocidal maniac and bring him. Now, the legal fun begins and with any luck he will find himself a guest of Captan Shingoen. We had our annual Secret Santa and bathed in the spirit of the season. Here is to making sure that 2025 is better than 2024.

So without any gilding the lily and no further ado I give you the one, the only, awards... taps mic... Is thing on?

Cassandra Frost - Captain's Personal Merit -"Something that is rarely seen in Trek is the reluctant hero, or the antihero. Frost represents the reluctant hero. A disgraced officer earning their way back into the light as it were. In doing so we learn more than we think about this person and about those around her. Brillant writing and emotions come through whenever this character is un a post. Thank you for being a great part of this community. Keep up the great work."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Christopher Blake - Executive Officer's Merit Award -"Since coming on board as 2XO they have injected some much needed energy into the command team. They've not missed a step and have been active in both decisions affecting the the game out of character and moving things along in character. Going forward I think they will be a great player and writer for many years to come with us here. Very happy to have them with us."
-Commander Marike Tao-

Lieutenant Sorine Kaida - Second Officer's Award of Merit -"Kaida is great to write with. As cliche as it sounds, she often goes by the adage of "Yes and..." Allowing everyone involved to build on and contribute different ideas."
-Lieutenant Christopher Blake-

Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn - Crew's Choice Award -"I would like to nominate Sarah Graesyn for saying yes and... They were more than willing to go along with T'Arel's eccentricates."
-Lieutenant Yvette Bouvoir-

Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn - Service Citation Six Months -"Six months down and a lifetime to go. Thank you for being an intrical part of this community. Here is to many many more years to come."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Siadra Molaur - Service Citation One Year -"One year on this ship makes you part of the furniture. Here is to many many more years to come."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Siadra Molaur - Service Citation 2+ Years -"Two years on the Artemis and we name a cell in the prison wing after you as you must be insane. LOL... Thank you for being a great part of this community. Here is to many many more years to come."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Junior Grade Lwaxana Myles - Service Citation 2+ Years -It is said part of the ship, part of the crew. Myles left the sim for a time and has since rejoined us. However, that does mean he has not been part of this crazy community of ours. They first boarded the Artemis two years ago. Thank you for being a part of this community and here is to many many more years to come."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant T'Arel Madison - Non Player Character Award -"Beautifully crafted character and excellent writing with great attention to detail, even for being an NPC."
-Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn-

Lieutenant Vincent Zandrell - Library Excellence Ribbon -"Picking up a post where Zandrell leaves off is always such a pleasure. It is easy to see where things are going and how to get there. Zandrell finds a happy medium between giving others the spotlight and taking just a little for themselves. I am looking forward to seeing where this character goes in the future. Keep up the great work."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Sorine Kaida - Creativity Award -"Kaida approached us with an interesting idea for a side mission during the main one. That was to rescue a Tear of the Prophets. Truly a great idea for a Bajoran character. But, not only did this idea create an interesting facet to her character but it has generated a number of story ideas for the sim in general. This is the thing that this award was created for. People who are able to helm brainstorm ideas to keep the story interesting and fun to write. Thank you for all that you do on this sim."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Commander Mariko Tao - Zefram Cochrane Medal of Exploration -"I am using the battle scene fascet of this award for Mariko Tao. The XO led a team onto a Cardassian station and it was during this mission that they were able to deescalate the tension from combat to not only get safely off the station but acquire the target that they went there for as well. Truly well thought out and intense writing."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Christopher Blake - Bronze Star -"Blake not only makes their flying descriptive and interesting to read. But they make their character one that you want to follow, you want to see what happens to them. Above that they are engaged in the community that is the Artemis recently stepping into the 2XO shoes. I can think of no one better suited for this award."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Commander Mariko Tao - Ribbon of Committment -"I ask a lot of my XOs and Mariko excels at everything they are asked to do. From keeping a plot going to making sure everyone stays engaged to listening to my venting when things get a bit too much. I have come to not only rely on them "in game" but to rely on them in real life as well. As it has been said thank you for being a friend."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Sarah Graesyn - Outstanding Character Award -"Sarah Graesyn has only been with us for a short time. But, in that time they have become indespensible. From making sure the ship does not fly apart to instigating a shooting match with Cardassians. I never know what to expect from our engineer. Graesyn is an interesting and complex character that I look forward to reading about. I cannot wait to see what is in store for Graesyn and what is in store for the Artemis with Graesyn in the engine room."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Commander Mariko Tao - Outstanding Assistant Department Head Award -"It's not always easy to be on a sim for a while and then step into the XO position. Andrew moved seamlessly from CMO to XO. He has also been supportive of the new CMO, which is greatly appreciated."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Maya Canak - Outstanding Department Head Award -"Our good doctor has taken to their job as medical examiner like a duck takes to water. If you know her in real life you know why that analogy is so fitting. They have found interesting ways to not only evaluate the medical status of the crew, but to examine our perpatrators as well. The posts are interesting and filled with real world medical facts. It is the commitment to their department and the realism of the sim that embodies this award. Keep up the great work."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Sorine Kaida - Character of the Year -"I asked Sorine to join the Artemis because I needed a Bajoran lol. Well not only did I get one, but I got a great one. The character is as complex as any we have seen. The way they balance their complexities of Bajoran culture with that of living on a starship is nothing short of amazing. Sorine Kaida exemplifies everything that is the Artemis sim. Thank you for your talent and your friendship in this community of ours."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

All Rise,
Captain Marc Kidd
Commanding Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit

» Case Closed - The Hunt Begins Wrap Up - Episode 1

Posted on Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 3:39am by Captain Marc Kidd in General News

Well my friends that is the first mission in the bag as it were. A good crew came aboard and began to bond. It takes time for a crew to bond into a family and only time will tell if that can happen with our dysfunctional family. After all we come complete with a grumpy Aunt Miller. ;-)

Our ragtag group of scientists and investigators were tested by the Breen and we have come through that stronger than when we went in. Not only that but we assisted in saving a Federation station from being overrun by the Breen. I would say that is not bad for a group of brainiacs. lol

Suffice to say that you are all great writers and if this first mission is any indication we are on the road to do great things.

So without any gilding the lily and no further ado I give you the one, the only, awards... taps mic... Is thing on?

Lieutenant Commander Kelly Miller - Captain's Personal Merit -"During this first mission of ours Kelly really went for it with the character development. Through the character's posts we can see someone really wrestling with issues from the past and present. Someone who now has to deal with the scum of the Federation while healing. Really great writing, and a great beginning to what seems to be a phenomenal character driven story arch. This is exactly the kind of storytelling we want on the Artemis. Brava!!!"
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Sorine Kaida - Crew's Choice Award -"I really like how she’s played; a great contrast to the interesting collection of characters we have (especially a certain awful JAG) and she’s kinda hot, ngl."
-Lieutenant Commander Kelly Miller-

Lieutenant Christopher Blake - Library Excellence Ribbon -"When I read posts that Blake has written or joint posts that they have participated in they flow as if a novel. There is no seams when they pass the writing off to another and not only is the story interesting, but I find myself wanting more. Really wonderful writing. Keep up the great work!"
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Siadra Molaur - Professional Merit Award -"I feel like we have only scraped the tip of the iceberg with Siadra. However, I am already in love with the character. All of the at times befuddling professor types mulling about in the Science Officer's head is a real treat to read. Writing posts with them are always interesting, funny, and a pleasure."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Commander Abernathy Rice - Service Citation 2+ Years -"At this point making it two years on this ship is quite the long stretch lol. I know that this ship would not be where it is today without my friend Abe. He is Number One in every sense of the word. Thank you for keeping me on the right path and here is to many many more."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

I see this as a great start to the wonderful stories that we can tell on this sim. Thank you all for being a part of this community.

For Now
All Rise,
Captain Marc Kidd
Commanding Officer, USS Artemis
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit

» One File Closed and Another Opens - End of Year 2022

Posted on Tue Jan 3rd, 2023 @ 4:37am by Captain Marc Kidd in General News

Well here we are and we made it through, 2022 comes to close. Another year over and a new one begins. As always lets hope that the next one is better than the last. As I look back at the last year I see a world coming out of the darkness that was quarantine. I see relationships born and reborn. I credit this community to helping us get through these doldrums. Your creative stories have always kept my mind looking to a better tomorrow.

As the year comes to close we look at the great things that we have all accomplished. I am blessed to have a baby on the way. I know that the rest of our community is doing great as the world gets back together. As for myself this year started out difficult and finishes with greatness. It is my greatest hope that 2023 is better than the last year. The we continue to grow and learn.

So that is enough of the misty eyed adoration. Suffice to say 2022 had its ups and its downs. But the Artemis is always one of the ups...

So without any gilding the lily and no further ado I would like to present a few end of year/beginning of year awards.

Lieutenant Viessa Kenobi - Captain's Personal Merit Award -"Viessa has been an asset to me since the reformatting of this sim. They are always open to any post that anyone would like. Add to that their ability to step up and fill an open position with an NPC for the sake of the mission. Thank you for all that you do and keep up the great work."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

Lieutenant Faith Benson - Executive Officer's Merit Award -"I have truly enjoyed seeing Faith grow into their role, and develop their character. I am impressed with their ability to roll with the punches and weave Faith into what is needed. They are active in discord and involved in our larger community. Their writing is easy to follow and a joy to read. Thank you for all you bring to the community and the Artemis."
-Commander Abernathy Rice-

Ensign Nala Rider - DeForest Kelly Humor Award -"Since the Ensign has joined the ship there has never been a dull moment. Their posts have the unique distinction of being both serious and full of humor at the same time. From falling off of an obstacle on the holodeck to missing part of their console on the bridge their light-heartedness fills the sim with some levity that it often needs. Thank you for making us all smile."
-Captain Marc Kidd-

This sim was on the verge of being shut down due to lack of interest. However, with your help it has been reborn and is steamrolling into the next year. I await with baited breath to see the cases that we will handle in the next year. Thank you for your creativity and your friendship. But most of all thank you for being a part of this great community.

For Now
All Rise,
Captain Marc Kidd
Commanding Officer, USS Artemis

» Welcome to the Case Files of the Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit

Posted on Thu Jul 7th, 2022 @ 9:14am by Captain Marc Kidd in General News

Greetings Everyone...

Just wanted to say welcome aboard the USS Artemis NCC-80103 and to the Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit. The first mission is open for posting. This mission is for the crew to gather and get to know each other as well as what this sim will be about. It will be a nice lead in for our second mission.

Start posting away, I am always available for joint posts. Just a couple of things about posting. First dates... You should be arriving at Poseidon Station on MD001 which is July 7 2397. Remember the date for your own character timelines, but please put MDXXX and the time of your post in the timeline section. For the location box please put in the following format, room where post is occurring, deck, and location. If the deck is not applicable then skip it. For example: Captain's Ready Room - Deck 1 - USS Artemis or Forensic Lab - Andorra. Any back post that you may want to do such as character backstory before arriving at the station. Put the date that the post is occurring in the timeline box. Both Admiral Ford and Captain Kidd will be on the Artemis and the station as of MD001, although the Admiral will not be launching with the ship. You do not have to arrive on MD001, you can arrive whenever you want your character to.

Second, ending your posts. In the ooc section of the Wiki you will find a signature page. Please copy and paste the html code for your signature and place it at the bottom of your post. This is especially important on joint posts as it tells the other writers that you are done with the post and ready to send it up.

Take a look around the site, it is expanding every day. Thank you for joining the sim and I look forward to writing with you all.

In the Federation any crime is considered especially heinous. In Starfleet the dedicated personnel who investigate the most vicious felonies are members of an elite crew known as the Criminal Investigations Unit. THESE ARE THEIR STORIES…

For Now,
Steady As She Goes,
Captain Marc Kidd
Commanding Officer, USS Artemis NCC-80103
Starfleet Criminal Investigations Unit

Latest Mission Posts

» A Quirky Meeting

Mission: Episode 2 - The Sins of History
Posted on Wed Jan 8th, 2025 @ 8:25pm by Lieutenant Vincent 'Ghost' Zandrell & Lieutenant Siadra Molaur

At the urging of one of the voices in her mind, (it was Keema) Siadra hung up her lab coat, made an entry of her findings and headed towards the turbolift. Up she went towards where her quarters are at. The lift doors opened and Siadra stepped out, humming a…

» Court Is Now In Session

Mission: Episode 2 - The Sins of History
Posted on Mon Jan 6th, 2025 @ 5:26pm by Captain Marc Kidd & Lieutenant Commander Corin Layal

Lieutenant Commander Corin hadn't had time to learn anything about Captain Kidd, she'd been too busy pouring over everything his crew had documented about the pending case she was jumping in on to spend time on anything else. She didn't mind the cramming session on her way to rendezvous with…

» Vulcan-Not Vulcan

Mission: Episode 2 - The Sins of History
Posted on Sat Jan 4th, 2025 @ 2:09am by Lt JG Adalyn O'Rourke Ph.D. & Lt JG Fenora

Fenora had no idea how counseling worked on a ship like the Artemis, but she was curious. So, she stopped by to have a look and to get her routine evaluation. Like her medical checkup, she generally didn't think about it until she got a transfer. She also wanted to…

» Enter Stage Right

Mission: Episode 2 - The Sins of History
Posted on Fri Dec 20th, 2024 @ 7:37pm by Lieutenant Commander Corin Layal & Captain Kiyoshi Shingoen

Kiyoshi Shinogen had been more than surprised when his mother reached out to him. It had been three years since any communication had taken place and that had been lukewarm at best. He'd thought that they might have gotten over the changes he'd made in his life, or the fact…

» Identity Crisis

Mission: Cold Cases
Posted on Fri Dec 20th, 2024 @ 7:36pm by Captain Kiyoshi Shingoen

The sand beneath Kiyoko's toes felt warm, moist, and perfect. Almost as good as the late afternoon sun on her young face. What little breeze there was lifted her short black hair, hair that was shorter than her parents desired, but at least gave her the freedom to wear She…

Latest Personal Logs

» Home Again

Posted on Mon Jul 25th, 2022 @ 9:55pm by Lieutenant Jonathan Corwin

MD 001 0930Hrs.

Well I checked in with the security officer at the boarding portal and have had my gear beamed directly to my quarters. I've got my bed and bathroom set up and I'll unpack the rest of my gear later this evening.

I've taken my law gear with…